At the age of 30, I, Andrew Greenstein, stuttered so severely that I couldn't even say my own name without a violent, 20-30 second struggle. I was told that adult stuttering could NOT be overcome but.... by the time I was barely 32, I became fluent! Less than 3 years later, I became one of the top 10 speakers in the State of Florida as rated by Toastmasters International!
Once upon a time, I hid from many social situations, avoided unnecessary speaking, and substituted words whenever I could. Today, I have consciously HEALED stuttering and most of its associated behaviors from my life. For more than a decade, I have been 99% fluent in virtually EVERY situation imaginable. In contrast with my former behaviors, I now give dramatic talks/speeches/presentations across the United States. If you or someone you know stutters, please choose NOT to believe the negative information out there...most of which implies the existence of very little hope. My own fluency [and that of many other FORMER stutterers whom I have met] is LIVING proof that stuttering CAN healed!!! Although, as Lao Tzu once said "He who overcomes others has force, but he who overcomes himself is STRONG!" I would modify that to say "He who HEALS himself is at PEACE..." My CD contains 60 minutes of me speaking fluently using the techniques that I mastered. I strongly recommend ordering it and then contacting me directly with any questions...
On a case by case basis, I will work one on one with adults who stutter--to teach them how to overcome it as well. This can be extremely time consuming and, therefore, has to be done on a fee basis. If you would like to be considered, please contact me.